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Wood Working Machines

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Max Models: J - 530 | J - 540 
Master Models: J-530 (E) | J-540 (E) | J-550 (E)

Special table with 45° tilt 
Specially designed Mitre gauge with Roller guide given in table T-slot for easy sliding 
Special Locking rod system for tilting. Angular cutting attachment to enable the cutting work piece at different angles without tilting the worktable. Circular cutting attachment can be mounted quickly on the band saw. This device allows you to cut preselected radius or circles

Upper & Lower saw blade guide system 
With bearing runner on the back side for maximum support to saw blade. 
Upper system has brass adj. guides and a blade protection cover. 
Dynamically balanced cast iron broad wheels for smooth operations. 
An efficent hand brake is provided to quick stop the saw wheel after disconnecting the power 
Adjustable brush on lower saw wheel rim continuously keep the wheel free from the saw dust. 
Dust chute to connect dust collector for dust free environment.`

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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